How to become Blockchain Developer in 30 Days (by FREE Youtube Videos) with 7 Steps

How to become Blockchain Developer in 30 Days (by FREE Youtube Videos) with 7 Steps

Learn from my mistakes and become a Blockchain Developer Intern with a step-by-step plan. Free YouTube videos to guide you!

You might have read somewhere, "Average Blockchain Developer salary is 150k $" and wondered, can I do that?

If this sounds familiar, look no further. Fear no more.

Today, you have access to a curated list of youtube videos and the exact path to becoming a Blockchain Developer. This will help you in becoming a Blockchain Developer and/or land your first internship within 30 days.

The crypto space is so fastly evolving that newbies usually get lost. Not anymore!

This is a step-by-step path that works for everybody interested in getting a share of this lucrative Blockchain pie. Doesn't matter whether you have a computer science degree or not. I'm here to show you the way nonetheless.

If you are an experienced CS person you can get started from part 4 of the section.

I have included tutorials along with projects to get hands-on experience. All youtube videos! You don't have to spend a dime anywhere.

Alongside the videos, I have put in the estimated days needed to complete it. My assumption is that you put in quality 5-6 hours per day.

However, you are free to take it at your own pace. Feel the need to speed up? Go fast ahead. Feel that you need to take it a bit slow? Slow down. What's the rush anyway!🌟

Your competition is only with yourself.

Core Computer Science (2 Days)

I'm assuming you are completely from a non-tech background. So, here you start with the core of computer science.

This is a crucial step in your blockchain developer journey. The reason is pretty simple. To understand complex concepts in the crypto space, these come in handy.

It could also be a boon if you just refresh your concepts just for fun. I did and it helped me big time. Also, it's important to start slow and start deep.

If the foundations are strong, your skyscraper of success is going to be higher than everybody else's high.

Here are two videos to get you started on it.

  • Harvard University - Introduction to Computer Science and the Art of Programming

  • Introduction to Programming and Computer Science

HTML (2 Days)

This can be cliche but you have to learn HTML. It is the basic language.

You just need to understand the elementary principles and make a project on that.

  • HTML - Basic to Advance

  • Create a website using only HTML

Basics of CSS (1 Day)

You may not use CSS programming language on a day-to-day basis.

But Hey! We are in for the long run.

You are going to need it while you code your front end. CSS is a useful weapon in your arsenal as a Blockchain Developer.

  • Learn CSS along with a project

Javascript (11 Days)

Javascript is a fundamental language. Plenty of other languages are derived from Javascript.

That is precisely why learning Javascript becomes the most important part of our 30 days.

After this, you will gain plenty of confidence that you can move mountains :P

  • A big-time playlist covering all Javascript topics is here (10 days )

One project which will cover your HTML, CSS and Javascript all in one.

  • Hop on to create your own Spotify Clone (1 day)

Take A Break for 2 days now.

Don’t do anything.

Get energized for the next sprint.

Blockchain (2 Days)

Rejuvenated after 2 days of peace? Let's get into the War Zone now. Something which you have been waiting for big time.

We are now starting with the fundamentals of Blockchain.

  • All about Blockchain (2 Days)

Solidity (3 Days)

The time has come to pick up your sword for the battle of blockchains. You have plenty of options to choose from.

However, the most popular and in-demand currently is Solidity which is used by Ethereum.

This is what you should get started with. The best in business currently.

  • Basics to Advance of Solidity in one course ( 1 Day)-

2 projects on Solidity will get you used to the syntax.

  1. Decentralized Lottery Application Smart Contract (1 Day) -

  2. Crowdfunding Smart Contract (1 Day) -

Fundamentals of Node.js (3 Days)

This is a gem of advice by a senior Blockchain Developer in my company.

You have to learn how Node.js works to understand the backend, APIs and servers.

It will help in the long run when you build fully Decentralized Applications (dApps).

  • Complete Fundamentals of Nodejs (2 Days)

  • Node.js with Passport Authentication project (1 Day)-


  1. Core of Computer Science
  2. HTML
  3. Basics of CSS
  4. Complete Javascript
  5. Blockchain
  6. Solidity
  7. Fundamentals of Node.js

By the end of this, you are ready to become a Blockchain Developer.

Feel confident about yourself. You are industry ready to get started!

Go and apply for jobs. You'll probably need a few interview questions to go through before you sit for yours.

Here are 11 Blockchain Developer Internship Interview Questions with their Answers.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me on my Twitter or Linkedin.

Do let me know how your interview goes :D Will be waiting for your Success story!

What are you starting with? Let me know in the comments.